Individual and institutional members of the ZCOG Leadership Circle (Board of Directors) provide critical operations and programming support, which allows the group to pursue its core mission of promoting capacity building and collaborative zoo and aquarium -based wildlife conservation efforts throughout the Americas. In addition, the Leadership Circle interprets and enforces the organization’s Bylaws and Policy Manual and provides advice and consent on a broad range of financial, programmatic, and operational matters.
Individuals representing qualified institutions, organizations, or private interests are nominated and elected to the ZCOG Board based on (1) a demonstrated leadership in their respective fields of expertise and (2) a strong commitment to promoting and advancing zoo and aquarium –based wildlife and habitat conservation efforts in the Americas. Members are elected by a majority vote of the Board and may serve multiple, consecutive three-year terms. At least one permanent seat on the Leadership Circle may be reserved for the CEO or President of the group’s host institution.
Interested in joining the ZCOG Leadership Circle? CLICK HERE to learn more.
Or use our Capital One 'No Hassle Giving Site,' powered by Network for Good, to CONTRIBUTE NOW!
Members of our 2016 Leadership Circle

The ZCOG Board of Directors meets twice per year to review performance, update the conservation community on its work, and nominate and elect new members.
Giving levels
Members of the Leadership Circle contribute at Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze support levels.
Which level is right for you and your institution? CONTACT ZCOG and BECOME A LEADERSHIP CIRCLE MEMBER TODAY!

Platinum-level members of the Leadership Circle provide funding for operations support, sponsor a scholarship, and contribute to at least one field conservation partnership.
To qualify for this level, member contributions must equal or surpass $25,000 USD.
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
Peter Kibbee

Silver-level members of the Leadership Circle provide funding for operations support and sponsor a scholarship and/or contribute to at least one field conservation partnership.
To qualify for this level, donor support must fall between $6,000 USD and $11,999 USD.
Ellen Trout Zoo
Greenville Zoo
Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens
Niabi Zoo
San Antonio Zoo

Gold-level members of the Leadership Circle provide funding for operations support, sponsor a scholarship, and contribute to at least one field conservation partnership.
To qualify for this level, member support must fall between $12,000 USD and $24,999 USD.
Alexandria Zoological Park
Dickerson Park Zoo
Kansas City Zoo

Bronze-level members of the Leadership Circle provide funding for operations support.
To qualify for this level, members must donate a minimum of $3,000 USD.
Abilene Zoo
Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo
Potawatomi Zoo
Sunset Zoo
Topeka Zoo