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The Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)—the largest and most terrestrial anteater species—is easily recognizable by its elongated, tubular snout, bushy tail, and large fore claws, which it uses to dig up ants and termites before collecting them with its long sticky tongue.  The large, insectivorous mammal has a wide distribution through Central and South America, ranging from Honduras to northern Argentina, and is found in a diversity of habitats, including tropical rainforest, flooded grasslands and xeric scrublands.  Unfortunately, the Giant anteater has suffered extensive population declines due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and human –related impacts.  For this reason, the IUCN lists the Giant anteater as Vulnerable to extinction. 


Long-term research and monitoring studies in biomes like the Brazilian Pantanal—a population stronghold for the Giant anteater—and the Cerrado, where grassland habitat is being rapidly converted for industrial agriculture, have been identified as conservation priorities for the species.  To address these challenges, ZCOG has partnered with researchers to conduct multi-year ecological and monitoring studies of Giant anteaters. ZCOG supports long-term research and conservation initiatives by providing GPS and radio telemetry harnesses for use in monitoring studies and serving as a fundraising, financial management and logistical administrative agency.


Photos courtesy of the Giant Armadillo Conservation Project



Click on the below-listed links to learn more about Giant Anteater monitoring projects that have been supported by ZCOG and its supporters.






Funding is needed to support Giant Anteater monitoring, and you can help make a difference!

  • DONATE NOW.  Your contribution will be used to help purchase camera traps, radio telemetry harnesses and field equipment needed to advance Giant Anteater research and monitoring activities.





Zoo Conservation Outreach Group

c/o Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) 

8403 Colesville Road, Suite 710

Silver Spring, MD 20910

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